
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


urban modern agriculture; urbanization; city food security; urban ecological environment; agriculture science and technology

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With rapid urbanization process, Chinese social and economic structure is experiencing a dramatically change, which impacts the development of agriculture in an all-around way. Urban agriculture has been most affected at the forefront of urbanization. Because of special location, urban modern agriculture has important characteristics of social function, production structure and farming mode. Based on regional features and advantages, urban mordern agriculture has great strategic value in serving urban residents' demand, increasing rural incomes and driving agricultural development. In order to realize the strategic value of urban modern agriculture, it is necessary to promote the breakthrough of resource saving technology and clean-production technology for the construction of ecological civilization, to promote wide range application of production environment control technology and information traceability technology for agricultural products safety, to promote the development of seed source technology and intelligent agricultural technology around the core competence; promote the system integration of e-commerce technology and logistics technology, and for optimizing the production and marketing system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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