Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)
Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; land reclamation; oasis; ecological protection; suggestions
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For over 60 years, the agriculture reclamation by Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps has contributed greatly to economical development and social stability in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. In these years' history, the Corps went through 5 stages in reclamation:initial stage, fluctuative development, slow development, fast development, and last stage of great leap and transformation (from agriculture mainly to more industrial). During this process, the Corps has achieved greatly in terms of ecology:including agriculture, forestry, as well as protection of grassland, water body, and city. Meanwhile, the large scale land reclamation also induced a lot of ecological problems:including the degration of natural vegetation and biodiversity, secondary salination of soils, degration of green shelter belt of the farmland, soil pollution, over reclamation of the land and water resources, and lack of water resources for ecological use. We conclude that the key for the sustainable development of the Corps is to rationalize the use of water resources between production and ecological protection, and thus to stop the degration of desert ecosystem, and in the end to maintain the stability of oasis ecosystem and sustainable development of the region.
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Recommended Citation
Hongfei, Zhou; Bo, Wu; Yugang, Wang; and Yan, Li
"Ecological Achievement of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Its Problems and Countermeasures,"
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 32
, Article 7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.2017.01.007
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