
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital economy; real economy; human-cyber-physical ternary fusion; knowledge society

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


Facing the accelerating of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, expediting the deep integration of digital economy and real economy is a crucial pathway to enhance industrial competitiveness and address social development challenges. The integration of digital and real economies, with the linkage of human-cyber-physical ternary fusion, brings about an increase in production factors and a reduction in uncertainty. This integration permeates through the whole process and channels of the real economy, including R&D innovation, manufacturing, collaborative integration, and supply services, triggering systemic transformations in the real economy. Looking to the future, the deep connection of technology, data, and intelligence will further advance, collectively propelling the integration of digital and real economies towards a new form characterized by a human-centric human-cyber-physical ternary fusion, driving the economy towards collaboration, service orientation, and green development. The article suggests deepening theoretical and methodological research on human-cyber-physical ternary fusion, exploring application demonstrations, and ethical norms construction, to accelerate the establishment of a new form of human-centered integration of digital and real economies.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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