
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Yellow River Basin; innovation development; S&T innovation; ecological protection; industry development; society development

Document Type

Research and Countermeasures of S&T Innovation in the Yellow River Basin


The Yellow River runs through nine provinces (regions) in western, central, and eastern China. It is not only an important ecological security barrier in China, but also an important region for social activity and economic development. Strategically planning the development of the Yellow River Basin at the national level can not only accelerate the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, but also effectively promote the western development strategy and regional coordinated development strategy. Nevertheless, the poor carrying capacity of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin, the obvious feature of industrial development relying heavily on energy, and the insufficient ability to ensure people’s livelihood have constrained the innovation driven transformation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Therefore, the Yellow River Basin must vigorously enhance its ability to support scientific and technological innovation, strengthen macro-integration, synergize and deepen the reform, accelerate the deployment of the integrated development strategy of science,technology and innovation in the Yellow River Basin, systematically plan the construction of the Yellow River Basin Science,Technology and Innovation Corridor, and promote the coordinated development of ecological protection and economic and social development led by scientific and technological innovation. This study analyzes the development characteristics and spatial distribution of the Yellow River Basin, and systematically analyzes the scientific and technological innovation needs and constraints of the Yellow River Basin from three perspectives: ecological protection, industrial development, and social development. It proposes the overall idea of achieving innovative development in the Yellow River Basin, and proposes countermeasures and suggestions from five approaches: strengthening scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the ecological field, enhancing the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of key regions, coordinating the reform of the entire basin’s scientific and technological system, accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces led by science and technology, and digital transformation to promote the improvement and efficiency of social services.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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9 吕俊平, 尹晶晶, 王佃利. 空间尺度下黄河国家战略实施的区域协同模式——基于济南市域协同案例的研究. 城市规划, 2023, 47(6): 80-88.Lyu J P, Yin J J, Wang D L. Regional collaboration model for the implementation of the Yellow River national strategy at the spatial scale: A study based on the case of regional collaboration in Jinan. City Planning Review, 2023, 47(6): 80-88. (in Chinese)

10 史歌. 高质量发展背景下黄河流域生态补偿机制的建设思路. 经济与管理评论, 2023, 39(2): 49-58.Shi G. The construction idea of ecological compensation mechanism in the Yellow River Basin under the background of high-quality development. Economic and Management Review, 2023, 39(2): 49-58. (in Chinese)

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12 胡兆廉, 石大千, 马静. “近水楼台”抑或“点石成金”?——创新型城市的空间溢出效应研究. 经济与管理研究, 2021, 42(1): 66-87.Hu Z L, Shi D Q, Ma J. ‘Favourable position’ or ‘Golden touch’?—Research on the spatial spillover effect of innovative cities. research on economics and management, 2021, 42(1): 66-87. (in Chinese)

13 任保平. 黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的创新驱动战略及其实现路径. 宁夏社会科学, 2022, (3): 131-138.Ren B P. The Yellow River Basin ecological protection and high-quality development innovation-driven strategy and its realization Path. Ningxia Social Science, 2022, (3): 131-138. (in Chinese)

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15 刘志仁, 王嘉奇. 黄河流域政府生态环境保护责任的立法规定与践行研究. 中国软科学, 2022, (3): 47-57.Liu Z R, Wang J Q. Research on legislative provisions and practice of government ecological environment protection responsibility in the Yellow River Basin. China Soft Science, 2022, (3): 47-57. (in Chinese)

16 汤秋鸿, 徐锡蒙, 贺莉, 等. 黄河中游生态水文模型及洪旱灾害风险评估. 地理学报, 2023, 78(7): 1666-1676.Tang Q H, Xu X M, He L, et al. Ecological hydrological model and flood and drought disaster risk assessment in the middle Yellow River. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2023, 78(7): 1666-1676. (in Chinese)

17 马润凡, 刘子晨. 黄河流域政府治理面临的主要困境及其破解. 中州学刊, 2021, (8): 17-22.Ma R F, Liu Z C. The main difficulties and solutions faced by the government in the Yellow River Basin governance. Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, 2021, (8): 17-22. (in Chinese)
