
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Belt and Road; science and technology innovation cooperation; international scientific and technological organizations; multilateral cooperation; operational models

Document Type

S & T Boosts the Belt and Road Initiative


Since the implementation of the Belt and Road Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan, significant progress has been achieved. Nevertheless, there have been some external doubts encountered during the promotion process. Based on the current status and challenges of Belt and Road science, technology, and innovation cooperation, this article presents policy recommendations for advancing such collaboration by leveraging insights from the operational models of international scientific and technological organizations. These organizations advocate for technological norms and policies, uphold scientific values, and coordinate multiple interests and ideologies. They possess extensive experience in facilitating cooperation in scientific and technological innovation among nations. Drawing insights from their operational models holds considerable theoretical and practical significance for overcoming obstacles in Belt and Road science, technology, and innovation cooperation and promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. The recommendations include: (1) Adopting the multilateral exchange model of international scientific and technological organizations to establish specialized exchange platforms. (2) Employing the issue-setting model of international scientific and technological organizations to address global common issues. (3) Establishing cooperative guidance funds by borrowing from the fund-raising model of international scientific and technological organizations. (4) Encouraging the participation of private enterprises by borrowing from the project support model of international scientific and technological organizations.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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