
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Chinese path to modernization, modernization of science and technology, scientific and technological powerhouse

Document Type

Think Tank Viewpoint


The modernization of science and technology is the key to Chinese path to modernization and plays a fundamental and strategic supporting role in building a powerful socialist modernization country. This study reviews various stages of development including sprouting and exploration, recovery and acceleration, catching up and leading, summarizes the characteristics and experience, and discusses the improvement in terms of level, concept, culture, topic selection, organization, system, governance, team, and guarantee, and then, proposes the concept of “Chinese Path to S&T Modernization”.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 习近平在江苏考察时强调 在推进中国式现代化中走在前做示范 谱写“强富美高”新江苏现代化建设新篇章. 人民日报, 2023-07-08(01).Xi Jinping stressed to take the lead in promoting Chinese path to modernization during his inspection in Jiangsu, and set an example to write a new chapter of “strong, rich, beautiful and high” Modernization in New Jiangsu. People’s Daily, 2023-07-08(01). (in Chinese)

2 何传启. 中国式现代化与全面建设现代化国家新征程. 中国党政干部论坛, 2020, (12): 12-16.He C Q. Chinese path to modernization and the new journey of building a modern country in an all-round way. Chinese Cadres Tribune, 2022, (12): 12-16. (in Chinese)

3 习近平. 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为全面建设社会主义现代化国家而团结奋斗——在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告. 北京: 人民出版社, 2022: 22-23.Xi J P. Hold Hhigh the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects—Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2022: 22-23. (in Chinese)

4 恩格斯. 社会主义从空想到科学的发展. 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局, 编译. 北京: 人民出版社, 2018: 46.Engels F. The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science. Translated and edited by the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2018: 46. (in Chinese)

5 马克思, 恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯文集(第2卷). 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局, 编译. 北京: 人民出版社, 2009: 579.Marx K, Engels F. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Collected Works (Volume 2). Translated and edited by the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2009: 579. (in Chinese)

6 张钢. 科学文化与近代教育发展——兼论科学教育与世界科学中心转移的互动关系. 自然辩证法研究, 2000, 16(5): 40-43.Zhang G. Science Science culture and modern education development—On the relationships of science educaiton with the transfer of world science center. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2000, 16(5): 40-43. (in Chinese)

7 封凯栋. 国家的双重角色:发展与转型的国家创新系统理论. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2022: 2.Feng K D. The Dual Role of the State: A Theory of National Innovation Systems for Development and Transformation. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2022: 2. (in Chinese)

8 颜晓峰, 任倚步, 韩淑慧. 康庄大道:中国式现代化是什么. 北京: 学习出版社, 2024: 216-224.Yang X F, Ren Y B, Han S H. What is Chinese Modernization.Beijing: Learning Publishing House,2024: 216-224. (in Chinese)

9 习近平. 论科技自立自强. 北京: 中央文献出版社, 2023: 238. Xi J P. On Self-reliance and Self-improvement in Science and Technology. Beijing: Central Party Literature Press, 2023: 238. (in Chinese)

10 联合国开发计划署. 2001年人类发展报告:让新技术为人类发展服务(中文版) . 北京: 中国财政经济出版社, 2001: 46.UNDP. Humam Development Report 2001: Making New Technologies Work for Human Development (Chinese version). Beijing: China Finance Economic Press, 2001: 46. (in Chinese)

11 科学技术部编写组. 深入学习习近平关于科技创新的重要论述. 北京: 人民出版社, 2023: 3.Compilation Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Deeply Study XI Jinping’s Important Discussions on Technological Innovation. Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2023: 3. (in Chinese)

12 李觉. 当代中国的核工业. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 1987: 51.Li J. The Nuclear Industry in Contemporary China. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 1987: 51. (in Chinese)

13 何虎生. 发挥新型举国体制优势的五大重要领域. 国家治理, 2020, (42): 14-18.He H S. Five important areas to give full play to the advantages of the new national system. Governance, 2020, (42): 14-18. (in Chinese)

14 周代数, 郭滕达, 苏牧. 迈向科技自立自强:改革开放以来中国创新赶超的范式嬗变. 中国科技论坛, 2022, (12): 15-24.Zhou D S, Guo T D, Su M. Towards technological self- reliance: The paradigm shift of China’s innovation catch-up since the reform and opening up. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2022, (12): 15-24. (in Chinese)

15 侯建国. 努力抢占科技制高点 加快实现高水平科技自立自强. 人民日报, 2023-07-17(09).Hou J G. Strive to seize the commanding heights of technology and accelerate the realization of High-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. People’s Daily, 2023-07-17(09). (in Chinese)

16 习近平. 加强基础研究 实现高水平科技自立自强. 求是,2023, (15): 4-9.Xi J P. Strengthening basic research and realizing high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. Qiushi, 2023, (15): 4-9. (in Chinese)

17 中共中国科学院党组. 筑牢高水平科技自立自强的根基. 求是, 2023, (15): 18-23.Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Building a solid foundation for high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Qiushi, 2023, (15): 18-23. (in Chinese)

18 陈劲, 贾宝余, 尹西明, 等. 国家战略科技力量. 北京: 经济日报出版社, 2023.Chen J, Jia B Y, Yin X M, et al. National Strategic Science and Technology Forces. Beijing: The Economic Daily Press, 2023. (in Chinese)

19 褚建勋, 王晨阳, 王喆. 国家有组织科研:迎接世界三大中心转移的中国创新生态系统探讨. 中国科学院院刊, 2023, 38(5): 708-718.Chu J X, Wang C Y, Wang Z. State-organized research (SOR): Chinese innovation eco-system to meet shift of world’s three major centers. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023, 38(5): 708-718. (in Chinese)

20 朱松纯. 以有组织科研推进原创性、引领性创新. 光明日报, 2023-02-18(10).Zhu S C. Promote original and leading innovation with organized scientific research. Guangming Daily, 2023-02-18(10). (in Chinese)

21 贾宝余, 杨明, 应验. 高水平科技自立自强视野中重大科技项目选题机制研究. 中国科学院院刊, 2022, 37(9): 1226-1236.Jia B Y, Yang M, Ying Y. Subject selection mechanism of major science and technology programs from perspective of high-level self-reliance in science and technology. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022, 37(9): 1226-1236. (in Chinese)
