
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


commanding heights of science and technology, deep space exploration, planetary science, lunar water resources, the fourth phase of CLEP

Document Type

High Ground of Science and Innovation


Deep space exploration has become the commanding heights of science and technology competition. Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has successfully completed the lunar exploration missions of “orbiting, landing, and returning” in just twenty years, and upgraded to a new roadmap of “survey, construction, and utilization”. Meanwhile, lunar exploration worldwide has shown a trend towards normalization and commercialization. The research on lunar water resources has sparked widespread interest and intense competition among countries and space agencies, marking a new focus in human’s deep space exploration. The exploration of lunar water can help reveal crucial processes in the formation and evolution of the Earth-Moon system and even the entire solar system. It stands as a forefront in planetary science research and a key focus in discipline construction. The development of lunar water resources can provide fuel for future deep space exploration missions and ensure the long-term survival of humans on the Moon. It is an inevitable choice for countries and organizations worldwide to expand and deepen international cooperation, jointly utilizing extraterrestrial resources for the benefit of humanity. Combining the status and future trends of lunar water resource exploration, this study analyzes the opportunities and challenges in China's deep space exploration program and the development of planetary science disciplines. It proposes strategies and suggestions based on the national context to seize the commanding heights of science and technology competition.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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11 白春礼. 序言:行星科学引领深空探测. 中国科学院院刊, 2019, 34(7): 739-740.

Bai C L. Preface: Planetary science leads deep space exploration. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2019, 34(7): 739-740. (in Chinese)
