
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


space science, innovative development, scientific payloads, mission selection and management

Document Type

High Ground of Science and Innovation


Space science is one of the important space activities of China together with space technology and space application. Although it is a space program aimed at scientific discovery and breakthrough, with the development of technology and the increasing number of achievements received in the past, space science missions require more and more technological innovation to achieve their goals. This study first reviews the development trend of space science missions since their birth, then analyzes the cultivation process of space science mission proposals with technological innovation and the responsibilities of the chief scientist leading such tasks, and finally analyzes and proposes several important fields of technological innovation related to future space science missions. Analysis shows that with more and more competition in science and technology, the decisive factor to get breakthrough and sustainable development, will exist in whether the mission has unique innovative approach in technology that can help to obtain new data, or whether the mission can still reach a unique site in the solar system, creating their own discovery the first time.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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