
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


political studies of science and technology,paradigm,two-way relationship

Document Type

Disciplinary Development


In contemporary society, scientific and technological advancements have not only profoundly transformed people’s modes of production and daily life but have also engendered significant political implications. Political studies of science and technology systematically examines political phenomena associated with science and technology, exploring the interrelation between science & technology and politics, and unveiling the essence and law of political phenomena in scientific and technological activities. Although numerous studies on the political aspects of science & technology have been conducted worldwide, they are largely scattered across diverse academic disciplines such as science studies, science and technology policy, philosophy of science, and sociology of scientific knowledge. Consequently, a mature academic community and a universally recognized and distinct paradigm are yet to be established. This study proposes that the discipline of political studies of science and technology should explicitly adopt a political science research approach. Efforts should be made to establish a research agenda focusing on the “two-way relationship” between science & technology and politics. The agenda should include the political analysis of the history of science, deepen the political philosophical study of the relationship between science and power, extend empirical studies in political studies of science and technology, and establish a Chinese independent knowledge system in political studies of science and technology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 胡春艳. 科学技术政治学的""研究纲领"". 厦门:厦门大学, 2006. Hu C Y. Research Program of Politics of Science and Technology:On Interaction between Sci-tech and Politics. Xiamen:Xiamen University, 2006. (in Chinese)

2 江晓原, 方益昉. 科学中的政治. 北京:商务印书馆, 2016:3. Jiang X Y, Fang Y F. The Science in Politics. Beijing:The Commercial Press, 2016:3. (in Chinese)

3 王炳权. 新时代中国政治学的发展与前瞻. 社会科学研究, 2023, (1):32-51.Wang B Q. The development and prospect of Chinese politics in the new era. Social Science Research, 2023, (1):32-51. (in Chinese)

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6 宋毅, 何国祥. 大科学观:科学观念学引论. 北京:中国青年出版社, 1991:11. Song Y, He G X. View of Great Science:An Introduction to Scientific Ideology. Beijing:China Youth Press, 1991:11. (in Chinese)

7 范内瓦·布什, 拉什·D. 霍尔特. 科学:无尽的前沿. 崔传刚, 译. 北京:中信出版社, 2021:54. Bush V, Holt R D. Science:The Endless Frontier. Translated by Cui C G. Beijing:China Citic Press, 2021:54. (in Chinese)

8 李正风. 科学与政治的结合:必然性与复杂性. 科学学研究, 2000, 18(2):9-15. Li Z F. The combination of science and politics:Inevitability and complexity. Studies in Science of Science, 2000, 18(2):9-15. (in Chinese)

9 托马斯·库恩. 科学革命的结构. 金吾伦, 胡新和, 译. 北京:北京大学出版社, 2012:147. Kuhn T S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Translated by Jin W L, Hu X H. Beijing:Peking University Press, 2012:147. (in Chinese)

10 韩来平. 科学政治学:范式、纲领及其困境与出路. 北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2022:15-19. Han L P. Political Science of Science:Paradigm, Principle, Dilemma and the Way Forward. Beijing:China Social Sciences Press, 2022:15-19. (in Chinese)

11 黄琪轩. 世界技术变迁的国际政治经济学——大国权力竞争如何引发了技术革命. 世界政治研究, 2018, (1):88-111, 188-189. Huang Q X. International political economics of world technology changes-How major power competition triggers technological revolution. World Politics Studies, 2018, (1):88-111, 188-189. (in Chinese)

12 叶成城. 全球技术史视野下的火器革命与文明动力机制. 探索与争鸣, 2022, (2):38-52, 177-178. Ye C C. Firearm revolution and civilization dynamic mechanism from the perspective of global technology history. Exploration and Free Views, 2022, (2):38-52, 177- 178. (in Chinese)

13 徐治立. 论科技政治空间张力的互动. 自然辩证法研究, 2007, 23(2):76-79. Xu Z L. On the interaction of Techno-Political spatial tension. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2007, 23(2):76-79. (in Chinese)

14 吴冠军. 当代中国技术政治学的两个关键时刻. 政治学研究, 2021, (6):116-127. Wu G J. Two critical moments of contemporary Chinese technopolitics. CASS Journal of Political Science, 2021, (6):116-127. (in Chinese)

15 Jasanoff S. States of Knowledge:The Co-Production of Science and Social Order. London:Routledge, 2004.

16 Brown M B. Politicizing science:Conceptions of politics in science and technology studies. Social Studies of Science, 2015, 45(1):3-30.

17 小罗杰·皮尔克. 科学在政策和政治中的意义. 李正风, 缪航, 译. 上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2010. Pielke Jr R A. Making Sense of Sciences in Policy and Politics. Translated by Li Z F, Miao H. Shanghai:Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2010. (in Chinese)

18 Taylor M. The Politics of Innovation:Why Some Countries Are Better than Others at Science and Technology. New York:Oxford University Press, 2016.

19 马克思, 恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯全集(第 44 卷). 北京:人民出版社, 2001:698. Marx K H, Engels F. Karl Marx, Frederick Engels:Collected Works (44). Beijing:People's Publishing House, 2001:698. (in Chinese)

20 马克思, 恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯全集(第 25 卷). 北京:人民出版社, 2001:592. Marx K H, Engels F. Karl Marx, Frederick Engels:Collected Works (25). Beijing:People's Publishing House, 2001:592. (in Chinese)

21 马克思, 恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯选集(第 3 卷). 北京:人民出版社, 2012:150. Marx K H, Engels F. Karl Marx, Frederick Engels:Selected Works (3). Beijing:People's Publishing House, 2012:150. (in Chinese)

22 刘大椿. 马克思科技审度的三个焦点. 天津社会科学, 2018, 9(1):20-30. Liu D C. The three focal points of Marx's scientific and technological review. Tianjin Social Sciences, 2018, 9(1):20- 30. (in Chinese)

23 陈振明. 科学技术与意识形态——评法兰克福学派的观点. 哲学研究, 1990, (6):67-73. Chen Z M. Science, technology and ideology:A review of the Frankfurt school. Philosophical Studies, 1990, (6):67-73. (in Chinese)

24 马尔库塞. 单向度的人:发达工业社会意识形态研究. 刘继, 译. 上海:上海译文出版社, 2014. Marcuse H. One Dimensional Man:Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Translated by Liu J. Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2014. (in Chinese)

25 哈贝马斯. 作为""意识形态""的技术与科学. 李黎, 郭官义, 译. 上海:学林出版社, 1999:69-95. Jürgen H. Technik und Wissenschaft als ""Ideologie"". Translated by Li L, Guo G Y. Shanghai:Academia Press, 1999:69-95. (in Chinese)

26 贝尔纳. 历史上的科学. 伍况甫, 译. 北京:科学出版社, 1959:687. Bernal J D. Science in History. Translated by Wu K F. Beijing:Science Press, 1959:687 (in Chinese)

27 韩来平, 邢润川. 贝尔纳和他的科学政治学. 自然辩证法通讯, 2007, 29(6):96-104. Han L P, Xing R C. J. D. Bernal and the Politics of Science. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2007, 29(6):96-104. (in Chinese)

28 格林伯格. 纯科学的政治. 伍况甫, 译. 上海:上海科学技术出版社, 2015:5. Greenberg D S. The Politics of Pure Science. Translated by Wu K F. Shanghai:Shanghai Science and Technology Press, 2015:5 (in Chinese)

29 大卫·古斯顿. 在政治和科学之间:确保科学研究的诚信与产出率. 龚旭, 译. 北京:科学出版社, 2011. Guston D H. Between Politics and Science:Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research. Translated by Gong X. Beijing:Science Press, 2011. (in Chinese)

30 约瑟夫·劳斯. 知识与权力——走向科学的政治哲学. 盛晓明, 邱慧, 译, 北京:北京大学出版社, 2004:224-265. Rouse J. Knowledge and Power:Toward a Political Philosophy of Science. Translated by Sheng X M, Qiu H. Beijing:The Peking University Press, 2004:224-265. (in Chinese)

31 法伊尔阿本德. 自由社会中的科学. 兰征, 译. 上海:上海译文出版社, 1990. Feyerabend P. Science in A Free Society. Translated by Lan Z. Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1990. (in Chinese)

32 夏平, 谢弗. 利维坦与空气泵——霍布斯、玻意耳与实验生活. 蔡佩君, 译. 上海:上海人民出版社, 2008. Shapin S, Schaffer S. Leviathan and the Air-Pump:Hobbs, Boyle, and the Experimental Life. Translated by Cai P J. Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2008. (in Chinese)

33 西斯蒙多. 科学技术学导论. 许为民, 孟强, 译. 上海:上海科技教育出版社, 2007:222. Sismondo S. An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies. Translated by Xu W M, Meng Q, et al. Shanghai:Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press, 2007:222. (in Chinese)

34 Sturgis P, Allum N. Science in society:Re-evaluating the deficit model of public attitudes. Public Understanding of Science, 2004, 13(1):55-74.

35 希拉·贾萨诺夫. 自然的设计:欧美的科学与民主. 尚智丛, 译. 上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2011:379-387 Jasanoff S. Designs on Nature:Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States. Translated by Shang Z C. Shanghai:Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2011:379- 387. (in Chinese)

36 顾超. 突发公共卫生事件中科学传播政治化的比较研究. 新闻与传播评论, 2021, 74(3):42-50. Gu C. A comparative study of the politicization of science communication during the public health emergency. Journalism and Communication Review, 2021, 74(3):42-50. (in Chinese)

37 Jasanoff S. Constitutional moments in governing science and technology. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2011, 17(4):621-638.

38 刘华杰. 关于""科学元勘""的称谓. 科技术语研究, 2000, (4):29-30. Liu H J. Terminology regarding ""Science Studies"". Chinese Science and Technology Terms Journal, 2000, (4):29-30. (in Chinese)

39 江晓原, 刘兵, 夏平. 是科学家眼中的乱臣贼子吗?——利维坦、空气泵和科学知识社会学. 中国图书评论, 2009, (12):38-43. Jiang X Y, Liu B, Xia P. Is it a traitor in the eyes of scientists -Leviathan, the Air Pum, and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge. China Book Review. 2009, (12):38-43. (in Chinese)

40 Salomon, JacquesJean. Science and Politics. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press, 1973.

41 王逸舟. 当代国际政治析论. 上海:上海人民出版社, 2015:99-123. Wang Y Z. International Politics. Shanghai:Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2015:99-123. (in Chinese)

42 培根. 新大西岛. 何新, 译. 北京:商务印书馆, 2012. Philip K. New Atlantis. Translated by He X. Beijing:The Commercial Press, 2012. (in Chinese)

43 Polanyi M. The Republic of science:its political and economic theory. Minerva, 1962, 1(1):54-73.

44 基切尔. 民主社会中的科学. 白惠仁, 袁海军, 译. 杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2019. Kitcher P. Science in a Democratic Society. Translated by Bai H R, Yuan H J. Hangzhou:The Zhejiang University Press, 2019. (in Chinese)

45 Durant D. Public Participation in the Making of Science Policy. Perspectives on Science, 2010, 28(2):189-225.

46 拉图尔. 自然的政治:如何把科学带入民主. 麦永雄, 译, 郑州:河南大学出版社, 2015. Latour B. Politiques de la nature:Comment faire entrer les sciences en démocratie. Translated by Mai Y X. Zhengzhou:Henan University Press, 2015. (in Chinese)

47 马克·布朗. 民主政治中的科学:专业知识、制度与代表. 李正风, 译. 上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2015:242-243. Brown M. Science in Democracy:Expertise, Institution and Representation. Translated by Li Z F. Shanghai:Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015:242-243. (in Chinese)

48 李醒民. 科学与政治刍议. 学术界, 2013, (12):108-130. Li X M. The attempting discussion of science and politics. Academics in China, 2013(12):108-130. (in Chinese)

49 顾超. 科学史视域下的原始创新:以高温超导研究为例. 科学学研究, 2022, 40(7):1172-1180. Gu C. Original innovation from the perspective of history of science:A case study of high-temperature superconductivity research. Studies in Science of Science, 2022, 40(7):1172- 1180. (in Chinese)

50 Gu C. The co-production of normal science:A social history of high-temperature superconductivity research in China (1987-2008). Social Studies of Science, 2023, 53(1):81-101.
