
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


nanoscale science and technology,strategy and planning,strategy study,intelligence

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


Nanoscale science and technology (nano S&T) are at the frontier of global strategic high-tech competition. After examining nearly 160 strategy and planning documents released by scientific and technological powerhouses from 2000 to 2023, the study finds ten common approaches adopted by the powerhouses to advance nano S&T as follows. (1) Recognizing nano S&T as a key area for the economy and global competition. (2) Establishing cross-department organizations to meet the cross-disciplinary nature of nano S&T. (3) Developing strategic plans to guide the development of nano S&T and implementing major programs with significant investment. (4) Establishing multidisciplinary nano S&T research centers based upon institutions with strength. (5) Building and maintaining physical and cyber R&D infrastructures for nano S&T. (6) Promoting convergence of nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology, and cognition science. (7) Establishing facilities to accelerate the commercialization of promising discoveries. (8) Paying close attention to the possible effects of nano S&T on the environment and human health. (9) Developing a skilled workforce and recruiting overseas talents. (10) Engaging in international collaborations. The study also finds that the powerhouses have continued to pay close attention to nano S&T during the past three years, focusing on issues such as leveraging nano S&T to help address significant societal challenges and preparing for the oncoming data-intensive R&D paradigm. Moreover, the study discusses the progress and shortcomings of nano S&T in China and proposes suggestions for R&D in the future after taking account of the findings presented above. The suggestions include promoting the commercialization of promising R&D, building and maintaining nanomaterial databases, establishing nano S&T think tanks, and putting in place a system of developing talent who can adapt to scientific and technological trends and meet the demands of the development of nano S&T.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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