
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


EU Natura 2000 protected area network, biodiversity conservation, protected areas, regional governance

Document Type

Modernizing National Park Governance System


The EU Natura 2000 protected area network, covering nearly 19% of the land and 10% of the sea in the EU, has played an important role in protecting biodiversity and enhancing regional socio-economic well-being, and is regarded as the most successful protected area network in the world. Its successful experience is mainly reflected in five aspects. (1) The adoption of regional biodiversity conservation legislation and the promotion of compliance with the law by member countries to promote the construction of the protected area network. (2) The establishment of a decision-making and implementation mechanism that combines the EU resolution process and the participation of multiple subjects in the whole process, which enhances the scientificity of decision-making and the enthusiasm of all relevant subjects to participate. (3) The promoting strategic planning based on a holistic perspective to improve the connectivity and rational spatial layout of the protected area network. (4) The coordinating development goals, developing multi-channel funding sources, and promoting the formulation of scientific management plans for protected areas with a funding application and assessment system. And (5) the recording and disclosing protected area site data to help scientific research and management model innovation. These experiences have important implications for the selection of global biodiversity cooperative governance paths and models, China’s leadership in promoting the formulation of global biodiversity governance strategies and policies, and the construction and optimization of China’s protected areas system with national parks as the mainstay.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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