
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


energy security, dual carbon goals, electric vehicles, convergence role

Document Type

S & T and Society


The current international situation is complicated and unstable, and China is in the midst of an important economic transition as it deals with the twin concerns of energy security and carbon peaking and carbon neutrality (referred to as dual carbon goals). Although the dual carbon goals aim a strong emphasis on energy security, certain emission reduction strategies will place restrictions on energy security that is directly connected, such as energy supply and grid load, making it challenging to simultaneously fulfill the optimization goal. China now has the task of figuring out how to rationalize and optimize the coordinated promotion of the two. Electric vehicles are one of the most effective ways to attain both sides and reduce the tension between energy security and dual carbon goals since they offer numerous advantages in terms of energy savings, energy storage, and emission reduction. This study suggests creating a bilateral integration and coordination system guaranteed by the policy network and based on energy storage technology by first reducing policy inconsistencies; giving the electric vehicle industry’s guarantee role full play in creating a network of suitable policies; increasing the energy storage role of electric vehicles as they stand; and creating a system of bilateral integration and coordination with joint policy and technology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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