
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


world power in science and technology, S&T innovation, strategy, policy, “3+5” framework

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


As an important means of promoting national scientific and technological development, S&T innovation strategy and policy are advancing towards a multidimensional “synergy” among S&T, the economy, society, and the environment, and they need to encompass many internal and external elements of S&T system. Accordingly, an overall S&T policy framework covering key elements and relevant interactions should be constructed. This study proposes “3+5” analytical framework for S&T innovation strategy and policy. Specifically, (1) this study defines the conceptual connotation of “3+5” framework, and puts forward the “design layer” including guiding strategy, planning layout, and institutional arrangement, and the “construction layer” including policy on innovative actor, policy on resource allocation, policy on scientific and technological talents, policy on the transformation of achievements, and policy on research environment; (2) this study describes the logic of “3+5” framework in terms of its role and value dimensions; (3) this study examines China’s strategic layout of scientific and technological innovation, and conducts a policy analysis on the basis of “3+5” framework.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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