
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Digital Belt and Road, science and technology, Belt and Road Initiative

Document Type

S&T Innovation Supports High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative


Digital technology can promote the sustainable development of countries and regions along the route of Belt and Road Initiative and help enhance interconnectivity in technology, standards, rules, and digital infrastructure. Science and technology play a crucial role in the construction of the Digital Belt and Road. However, currently, some countries and regions along the route of Belt and Road Initiative lack sufficient digital infrastructure, and there is a shortage of critical core digital technology and challenges in its promotion. It is essential to build an innovative ecosystem for the Digital Belt and Road that includes facilities, technology, mechanisms, and capabilities to promote the sustainable development. This study analyzes the current status and major challenges of the construction of the Digital Belt and Road, proposes the development direction, and puts forward relevant policy suggestions to provide decision-making reference for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 农宁宇. 中国与“一带一路”沿线国家数字经济基础设施建设水平及其影响因素研究. 南宁: 广西大学, 2022. Nong N Y. Research on the construction level and influencing factors of digital economy infrastructure in China and countries along the “Belt and Road”. Nanning: Guangxi University, 2022. (in Chinese)

2 罗茜. “一带一路”经济区跨境电子商务发展模式分析及研究. 科技资讯, 2023, 21(7): 231-234. Luo X. Analysis and Research on the Development Mode of Crossborder E-commerce in the “Belt and Road” Economic Zone. Science & technology information, 2023, 21(7): 231-234. (in Chinese)

3 王晖, 陈志华, 李童侠. 中国OFDI与“一带一路”沿线国家产业结构升级—机理与实证分析. 华东经济管理, 2022, 36(8): 86-96. Wang H, Chen Z H, Li T X. China’s OFDI and the Industrial Structure Upgrading of Countries Along “the Belt and Road”: Mechanism and Empirical Analysis. East China Economic Management, 2022, 36(8): 86-96. (in Chinese)

4 谢迪扬. 论“一带一路”倡议下数据安全共同体的规则建构. 国际经济法学刊, 2023, (2): 1-25. Xie D Y. The rule construction of the data security community under “the Belt and Road” initiative. Journal of International Economic Law, 2023, (2): 1-25. (in Chinese)

5 彭德雷, 郑琎. “一带一路”数字基础设施投资:困境与实施. 兰州学刊, 2020, (7): 98-111. Peng D L, Zheng J. Digital infrastructure investment along the “Belt and Road” countries: Dilemma and implementation. Lan Zhou Xue Kan, 2020, (7): 98-111. (in Chinese)

6 于燕. 跨境电商经营管理的创新及优化. 企业改革与管理, 2019, (2): 56-57. Yu Y. Innovation and optimization of cross-border e-commerce management. Enterprise Reform and Management, 2019, (2): 56-57. (in Chinese)

7 姜峰, 蓝庆新. 数字“一带一路”建设的机遇、挑战及路径研究. 当代经济管理, 2021, 43(5): 1-6. Jiang F, Lan Q X. Research on the Opportunities, Challenges and Paths of the Construction of Digital “Belt and Road”. Contemporary Economic Management, 2021, 43(5): 1-6. (in Chinese)

8 郭华东, 梁栋, 陈方, 等. 地球大数据促进联合国可持续发展目标实现. 中国科学院院刊, 2021, 36(8): 874-884. Guo H D, Liang D, Chen F, et al. Big Earth Data facilitates Sustainable Development Goals. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021, 36(8): 874-884. (in Chinese)

9 Sun F Y, Zhao H G, Deng L Z, et al. Characterizing the warming effect of increasing temperatures on land surface: Temperature change, heat pattern dynamics and thermal sensitivity. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70(1): 102904.

10 张冰, 董宏伟, 王葳. 相互依存数字时代需加强国际合作. 中国电信业, 2019, (9): 53-57. Zhang B, Dong H W, Wang W. Interdependent digital age calls for stronger international cooperation. China Telecommunications Trade, 2019, (9): 53-57. (in Chinese)

11 何英. 跨境数据流动治理路径探析. 北京: 外交学院, 2021. He Y. Analysis of cross-border data flow governance paths. Beijing: China Foreign Affairs University, 2021. (in Chinese)

12 刘宏松, 程海烨. 跨境数据流动的全球治理—进展、趋势与中国路径. 国际展望, 2020, 12(6): 65-88. Liu H S, Cheng H Y. Global governance of transborder data flow: progress, trends, and China’s path. Global Review, 2020, 12(6): 65-88. (in Chinese)

13 夏福渭. “数字丝绸之路”与中非数字经济合作研究. 北京: 北京外国语大学, 2021. Xia F W. Research on “Digital Silk Road” construction and China-Africa digital economy cooperation. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021. (in Chinese)

14 曹莉, 王乾筝. 中国—东盟跨境电商合作:机遇与挑战. 中国远洋海运, 2022, (9): 56-58. Cao L, Wang Q Z. China-ASEAN cross-border e-commerce cooperation: Opportunities and challenges. Maritime China, 2022, (9): 56-58. (in Chinese)

15 陈升, 扶雪琴. “一带一路”沿线科技创新效率区域差异及影响因素分析——基于三阶段DEA和Tobit模型. 重庆大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 28(1): 154-169. Chen S, Fu X Q. Analysis on the efficiency and influencing factors of science and technology innovation along the Belt and Road in China: Based on the three—Stage DEA and Tobit models. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2022, 28(1): 154-169. (in Chinese)

16 石海林, 曾德超. 中国与“关键小国”国际科技合作现状及对策研究. 科技智囊, 2021, (1): 77-80. Shi H L, Zeng D C. Research on the current situation and countermeasures of international technological cooperation between China and the small states of strategic importance. Think Tank of Science & Technology, 2021, (1): 77-80. (in Chinese)

17 翁杰, 田雯飒. 携手共建数字丝路. 浙江日报, 2021-09-28(03). Weng J, Tian W S. Join hands to build the “Digital Silk Road”. Zhejiang Daily, 2021-09-28(03). (in Chinese)

18 吴玉杰, 孙兰. “一带一路”科技创新共同体建设的合作模式与路径研究. 天津科技, 2020, 47(8): 5-12. Wu Y J, Sun L. Research on cooperation modes and path of construction of technology innovation community along “the Belt and Road”. Tianjin Science & Technology, 2020, 47(8): 5-12. (in Chinese)

19 成雪岩. “一带一路”国际化背景下高等教育创新人才培养的路径. 教育理论与实践, 2016, 36(27): 9-11. Cheng X Y. The way to the innovative personnel training of higher education in the context of the “One Belt and One Road” Internationalization. Theory and Practice of Education, 2016, 36(27): 9-11. (in Chinese)

20 田朔, 孙爱琳. 数字经济对中国制造业企业创新的影响研究. 经济问题, 2023, (6): 41-49. Tian S, Sun A L. Research on the impact of digital economy on innovation of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. On Economic Problems, 2023, (6): 41-49. (in Chinese)

21 章秀琴, 黄伶俐. 新型数字基础设施是否促进对外贸易发展?——基于“一带一路”贸易视角的中介模型分析. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2022, 41(2): 16-28. Zhang X Q, Huang L L. Will new digital infrastructure boost foreign trade? —analysis of intermediary model based on “the Belt and Road” from trade perspective. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2022, 41(2): 16-28. (in Chinese)

22 刘曦泽, 王益谊, 杜晓燕, 等. 标准数字化发展现状及趋势研究. 中国工程科学, 2021, 23(6): 147-154. Liu X Z, Wang Y Y, Du X Y, et.al. Development status and trend of standards digitization. Strategic Study of CAE, 2021, 23(6): 147-154. (in Chinese)
