
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Green Silk Road, climate change, water resources, carbon sink, Third Pole, Pan-Third Pole

Document Type

S&T Innovation Supports High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative


Areas along the Belt and Road face not only natural process-related challenges such as frequent extreme weather events caused by abnormal climate warming, uneven distribution of water resources, but also management-related challenges such as extensive resource management, insufficient protection of ecology and biodiversity, and underutilization of carbon sink potential. To address these challenges and ensure a sustainable future, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation in response to climate change along the Silk Road, and to enhance the quality of the Green Silk Road construction. Key areas of scientific and technological cooperation should focus on water-ecological collaborative management under climate change, ecosystem carbon sink functionality and carbon trading mechanism, green energy development, and strategic research on environmental change and response of the Third Pole and Pan-Third Pole regions. Additionally, it is essential to fortify the integrated ecological barrier composed of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, deserts, and ice. This study proposes innovating a long-term strategy for the protection, development, and utilization of the complete water resources chain, establishing a comprehensive monitoring, research, warning, and service platform, and promoting and cultivating international big science programs.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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