
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


the Belt and Road Initiative, technology needs assessment, technology transfer, South-South cooperation, climate change

Document Type

Research on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation of Major Countries along the Belt and Road


Belt and Road countries and regions have increasingly recognized the urgent need for climate mitigation and adaptation in order to achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Transferring and disseminating climate technologies are effective ways in which developing countries in the region can enhance their capacity to address the challenges of climate change. This study assesses the characteristics of climate change technology needed in Belt and Road countries and regions, based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) report as well as the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system. It identifies and analyzes the priority needs for mitigation and adaptation technology needs in different areas. Results shows that climate technologies are in high demand in the Belt and Road region. A total of 726 climate technologies are included in the TNAs of 66 Belt and Road countries and regions, of which 262 are mitigation technologies and 464 are adaptation technologies. Almost all countries prioritize renewable energy for electricity generation (Y02E-10) for mitigation, with 135 technologies listed, covering Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of $5.3 trillion and a population of 1.9 billion. The most urgent need for adaptation technology is in agriculture, forestry, livestock, and fisheries production (Y02A-40), with 48 countries claiming 234 technologies for adaptation across this sector, covering $3.8 trillion in GDP and 1.61 billion in population. There is a high degree of heterogeneity in mitigation technology demands across regions. African countries are most in need of renewable energy generation technologies (Y02E-10), non-fossil fuel technologies (Y02E-50), and mitigation technologies for the land sector (Y02A-60). Asian countries are most interested in renewable energy generation and combustion technologies (Y02E-20), while Latin American and Oceania are most interested in mitigation technologies for road transport (Y02T-10). There is a high degree of commonality in the adaptation technology needs of all regions, with the priority needs of each region being primarily for adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock and fishery production (Y02A-40) and technologies for harvesting, conserving, and efficiently using water (Y02A-20). In order to promote South-South technology cooperation between China and BRI developing countries, the proposed suggestions include: (1) better matching the technology supply by China with the demands in BRI countries and regions; (2) enhancing the transparency of technology information in China through various measures; (3) strengthening country-specific studies on climate technology needs and transfer strategy for BRI countries.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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