
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


strategic emerging industry,future industry,original innovation,factor market,innovation ecology

Document Type

Strategy & Policy Decision Research


The development from strategic emerging industries to future industries reflects the development trend of global science and technology frontier, and it is more a new need to build a new engine for industrial upgrading and build a new development pattern in China. In the process of gradual development and breeding of future industries, strategic emerging industries continue to open up new directions and expand new fields, while they also bring new problems and new requirements for original innovation, factor market and industrial ecology. Focusing on these new requirements and problems, this study puts forward policy recommendations, namely enhancing the original innovation capacity, improving the conversion rate of scientific research achievements, improving the factor market, building a good industrial innovation ecosystem, optimizing the industrial division of labor and spatial layout, as well as the management mode of innovation fields, continuing to expand the opening up to the outside and the inside, and building a domestic and international dual-cycle system.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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3 鹿文亮, 王晓明. 聚焦重点领域系统谋划未来产业发展. 科技日报, 2023-01-09(08). Lu W L, Wang X M. Focus on key areas and systematically plan for future industrial development. Science and Technology Daily, 2023-01-09(08). (in Chinese)

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5 刘韵洁, 黄韬, 汪硕. 关于未来网络技术体系创新的思考. 中国科学院院刊, 2022, 37(1):38-45.

Liu Y J, Huang T, Wang S. Thoughts on innovation of future network architecture. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022, 37(1):38-45. (in Chinese)

6 潘教峰, 王晓明, 沈华. 把未来产业作为发展重要引擎. 光明日报, 2022-09-28(11). Pan J F, Wang X M, Shen H. Take the future industry as an important engine for development. Guangming Daily, 2022-09-28(11). (in Chinese)

7 沈华, 王晓明. 发展未来产业需打好"组合拳". 科技日报, 2022-08-15(08). Shen H, Wang X M. To develop the future industry, we need to do a good job in combination. Science and Technology Daily, 2022-08-15(08). (in Chinese)

8 薛澜, 赵静. 走向敏捷治理:新兴产业发展与监管模式探究. 中国行政管理, 2019, (8):28-34.

Xue L, Zhao J. Toward Agile Governance:The Pattern of Emerging Industry Development and Regulation. Chinese Public Admiration, 2019, (8):28-34. (in Chinese)
