
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Chinese approach to modernization,hierarchy structure,modernization science,spirit of 20th CPC National Congress

Document Type

Think Tank Viewpoint


This study discusses the hierarchy structure of Chinese approach to modernization (CAM) from the perspective of modernization science and strategy research, and advances three recommendations on the modernization research and modernization capacity of China. The hierarchy structure includes three levels of concept, strategy, and operation; and each level involves some contents and key issues. Here the level of concept includes two key issues, they are the connotation and Chinese characteristics of CAM; the level of strategy contains three key issues, which are the basic guideline, essential request, and strategic arrangement of CAM; and the level of operation involves three key issues, they are the primary task, three supports, and an inherent part of CAM. They present the answers of three questions "what, how, and key-point" related to CAM shortly. The analysis and explanation of hierarchy structure (three levels and eight key issues) not only introduce a systemic outlook for the study on CAM, and benefit the promotion of CAM, but also provide a new perspective for further study and implementation of the "spirit of 20th CPC National Congress".

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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