
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


integrated circuit,talent cultivation,integration of production and education,sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


The most essential feature of building a new development paradigm is to achieve sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels. The integrated circuit industry, as an important pillar to achieve this essential feature, is facing a severe external situation. China's chip shortage pain begins with a shortage of talents. The structural problem of uneven development at the overall level of the industry makes it more difficult to effectively gather and distribute talents. To achieve sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels, we need to be both demand-oriented and problem-oriented, which means not only to pay attention to the core technology innovation of integrated circuits, but also to develop the talent supply system. This study systematically analyzes the pain points of the talent training and development system of China's integrated circuit industry from the perspectives of talent training stage, circulation stage and structural problems, and proposes a theoretical model of forming a new integrated circuit talent training system that is hierarchical, multi echelon and horizontally and vertically coordinating "demand, supply and circulation" links. It aims to provide decision-making reference for building a hierarchical, multi echelon, practical and compound training system of integrated circuit talents in order to achieve sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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8 张立伟, 王珏. 我国海外科研人才的需求分析及人才引进对策. 科学学研究, 2020, 38(8):1390-1396, 1536.

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9 王亚辉. ""缺芯""困境下技能型人才激励策略研究. 产业与科技论坛, 2018, 17(24):217-218.

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10 冯晓丽, 张进成, 郑雪峰. 面向国家急需,构建""三位一体""集成电路人才培养模式的改革与实践. 电子元器件与信息技术, 2019, 3(11):122-125.

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11 范继辉, 庞智勇. ""新工科""背景下集成电路与集成系统专业人才培养方案探索与实践. 教育现代化, 2020, 7(52):24-28.

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12 李芳, 程媛, 周涛, 等. 我国集成电路技术发展制约因素分析. 电子产品世界, 2022, 29(6):12-15.

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