
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Asian elephant, corridor, conservation, human-elephant conflict

Document Type

Ecological Security and Green Development


In order to practice the concept of coordinated development of “Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets” and “mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts are part of the community of life”, this study takes “pursuing green development and promoting harmony between humanity and nature” proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the theoretical guidance. With the goal of enhancing ecosystem integrity and connectivity, enhancing population communication, enhancing population viability, and providing a model for the construction of ecological corridors for flagship species, based on the current distribution and habitat selection strategies of Asian elephants, the study follows the technological process of “Obtaining species distribution—Identifying habitat sources and resistance surface relating to elephant distribution—Constructing corridors based on the least cost path model—Extracting corridor centrality, pinch points, and barrier through circuit theory—Field investigation and validation—Adjusting and optimizing corridor design—Recommending corridor construction design scheme—Carrying out long-term monitoring of wildlife utilization of corridors”, and suggests construction idea of Asian elephant ecological corridor and related conservation advices. Above conceptions and advice serve for the strategic layout of “intensifying the protection of ecosystems”, “improving the system of shields for ecological security, and developing corridors and biodiversity protection networks”, providing technical support for scientific protection and effective management of Asian elephant population, offering a scientific basis for habitat restoration and layout of planned national parks and other protected area.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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