
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


tax reform, digital economy, international competitiveness, institutional supply side structural reform

Document Type

Policy & Management Research


At present, promoting the continuous improvement of the international competitiveness of the digital economy has become a new track for countries to compete. The study stands that the tax reform in the digital economy era is based on the accelerated evolution from the industrial economy to the digital economy, the wider application scenarios of digital technology, and the continuous improvement of the breadth and depth of digital infrastructure coverage. This study analyzes the problems arising from the development of the digital economy at this stage, such as the decline in the regulatory role of traditional tax functions, the loss of digital economic efficiency caused by the solidified design of tax system elements, the conflict between regional “tax sources” and “tax rights” caused by the imperfect tax sharing mechanism, and the difficulty in bridging international tax disputes in the short term. In this regard, the study believes that it is necessary to comprehensively deepen the institutional supply side structural reform with tax system reform as an important content, and actively participate in and lead the international digital economy governance. The study also points out the principles and requirements for tax reform to empower China’s digital economy to enhance its international competitiveness.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 陈德球, 胡晴. 数字经济时代下的公司治理研究:范式创新与实践前沿. 管理世界, 2022, 38(6): 213-239. Chen D Q, Hu Q. Corporate governance research in the digital economy: New paradigms and frontiers of practice. Management World, 2022, 38(6): 213-239. (in Chinese)

2 李昊源, 王蓓, 郭沛廷. 总部经济、税收背离与地方税收收入能力. 财经理论与实践, 2016, 37(5): 100-107. Li H Y, Wang B, Guo P T. Headquarters economy, tax deviation and local tax capacity. Financial Theory and Practice, 2016, 37(5): 100-107. (in Chinese)

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4 解垩, 孟婷. 数字经济、税收努力与税收增长. 中央财经大学学报, 2022, (12): 3-15.Xie E, Meng T. The digital economy, tax efforts and tax growth. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2022, (12): 3-15. (in Chinese)

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6 洪永淼, 张明, 刘颖. 推动跨境数据安全有序流动 引领数字经济全球化发展. 中国科学院院刊, 2022, 37(10): 1418-1425.Hong Y M, Zhang M, Liu Y. Promoting safe and orderly flow of cross-border data to lead development of globalization of digital economy. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022, 37(10): 1418-1425. (in Chinese)

7 柏培文, 张云. 数字经济、人口红利下降与中低技能劳动者权益. 经济研究, 2021, 56(5): 91-108. Bai P W, Zhang Y. Digital economy, declining demographic dividends and the rights and interests of low- and medium-skilled labor. Economic Research Journal, 2021, 56(5): 91-108. (in Chinese)

8 张文魁. 数字经济的内生特性与产业组织. 管理世界, 2022, 38(7): 79-89. Zhang W K. The endogenous attributes and industrial organization of digital economy. Management World, 2022, 38(7): 79-89. (in Chinese)

9 郭克莎, 杨倜龙. 中国产业数字化改造的机制和政策. 经济学动态, 2023, (3): 21-35. Guo K S, Yang T L. The mechanism and policy of digital transformation of China’s industries. Economic Perspectives, 2023, (3): 21-35. (in Chinese)

10 戚聿东, 张天硕. 党的十八大以来我国数字经济发展的成就、经验与展望. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, (2): 14-24. Qi Y D, Zhang T S. Achievements, experiences and prospects of China’s digital economy development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), 2023, (2): 14-24. (in Chinese)

11 何琨玟, 马莉莉, 任玥萱. 数据赋能出口技术复杂度提升的机制与路径研究. 中国软科学, 2023, (4): 54-65. He K M, Ma L L, Ren Y X. Research on the mechanism and path of data empowerment to enhance the complexity of export technology. China Soft Science, 2023, (4): 54-65. (in Chinese)

12 方福前, 田鸽, 张勋. 数字基础设施与代际收入向上流动性——基于“宽带中国”战略的准自然实验. 经济研究, 2023, 58(5): 79-97. Fang F Q, Tian G, Zhang X. Digital infrastructure and the intergenerational income upward mobility: The quasi-natural experiment based on “Broadband China”. Economic Research Journal, 2023, 58(5): 79-97. (in Chinese)

13 黄少安. 关于“数字化经济”的基本理论. 经济学动态, 2023, (3): 3-20. Huang S A. Basic theoretical issues on the “Digital Economy”. Economic Perspectives, 2023, (3): 3-20. (in Chinese)

14 魏益华, 杨璐维. 数据要素市场化配置的产权制度之理论思考. 经济体制改革, 2022, (3): 40-47. Wei Y H, Yang L W. Theoretical thinking on the property right system of the market-oriented allocation of data production factors. Reform of Economic System, 2022, (3): 40-47. (in Chinese)
