
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


sci-tech; financing; intellectual property (IP); investment; strategy

Document Type

S&T and Financing Integration Framework and Proposal


Intellectual property (IP) is a key in strengthening the integration of sci-tech and financing for the aim of innovation-driven development. Sci-tech activities are a type of investment in nature. Innovative entities can attract investment with high-quality IP, and investors can profit from innovation by investing in IP. This study analyzes the investment nature of sci-tech activities from two periods of research & development and transformation of sci-tech achievements, and analyzes the role of IP in the two periods. Based on practical foundations, the main considerations are put forward from the aspects of national needs, industry characteristics, endowment difference, and target orientation to promote the integration of sci-tech and financing through IP. Furthermore, it is suggested that to take measures from the aspects of IP system establishment, IP storage, IP-based market mode, and IP-related policy.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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