
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


sci-tech, self-reliance and self-strengthening, marine science, observation and detection, technology system, ocean observation network

Document Type

Ocean Observation and Security Assurance Technology


The marine area is a strategic area of China. To build China into a strong maritime country, we should enhance the capacity for exploiting marine resources, develop the maritime economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and resolutely safeguard national maritime rights and interests. Promoting marine science and technology to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is an inevitable requirement for accelerating the construction of maritime country. The marine scientific observation and exploration is the basic means of understanding the ocean, and is also an important basis for the marine resources development, environmental protection and rights and interests protection. This paper reviews the important progresses of global and national ocean observation and exploration program and network, with a view to highlight the practice of ocean scientific observation and exploration technology system construction in Chinese Academy of Sciences, and puts forward thoughts and suggestions on next steps. To build up China's strength in ocean scientific observation and exploration technology system, we should further strengthen the top-level design to drive the "twin engines" of national strategic needs and frontier trends in science and technology, redouble efforts on developing scientific and technological breakthroughs to make continued efforts to solve the most urgent key problems, and innovate improve institutions and mechanisms to make full use of China's strategic science and technology capabilities in the marine field, so as to provide strong scientific and technological support for the construction of China as a maritime power.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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