
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


financial; science and technology innovation; review and outlook

Document Type

World Science and Technology Power Construction - Last Ten Years Review and Future Trend of Science and Technology of China - Strategy & Policy Decision Research


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the central and local finance, in accordance with the requirements of President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, gave full play to their functions, and introduced a series of policies and measures to support scientific and technological innovation, which has effectively promoted the development of science and technology in China. The article reviews the basic situation of financial support for scientific and technological innovation in the past ten years from nine aspects, and looks forward to the future development and reform of financial science and technology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司, 科学技术部战略规划司. 中国科技统计年鉴2021. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2021.

Department of Social, Science and Technology, and Cultural Statistics, Department of Strategy and Planning, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China. China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2021.

Beijing:China Statistics Press, 2021. (in Chinese)

2 国家统计局. 中国统计年鉴2021. 北京:中国统计出版社, 2021.

National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2021.

Beijing:China Statistics Press, 2021. (in Chinese)

3 中国信息报. 2021年我国R&D经费为2.79万亿与GDP之比达2.44%. 中国信息报, 2022-01-27(01). China Information News. China's total expenditure on R&D amounted to about 2.79 trillion yuan, hit a new high of 2.44 percent of its GDP in 2021.

China Informaion News, 2022-01-27(01). (in Chinese)

4 国家统计局. 中华人民共和国2021年国民经济和社会发展统计公报. 人民日报, 2022-03-01(10). National Bureau of Statistics. Statistical communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2020 national economic and social development. People's Daily, 2022-03-01(10). (in Chinese)
