
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


chemistry; central science; research framework; strategy

Document Type

Consultation of Academic Divisions and Suggestion of Academicians: Strategic Basic Research


Chemistry, as a central science linking all the other sciences, has played an influential role in promoting the development of the whole scientific and technological field and the prosperity of economy and society. Developed countries strongly support the development of chemistry and effectively promote the level of chemical research and chemical industry. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, chemical research has been supported among the field of natural sciences, and its current level is at the forefront of the world. However, there are still problems in the field of chemistry research in China, such as insufficient major original achievements, insufficient stable support, insufficient industrial support, and the need to improve the status of chemistry as the central science in China. In order to promote the development of chemical science in China and to enhance its role in science and technology innovation as well as economic and social development, we propose the new framework of chemical research in China. The new framework is based on the the four principles:targeting the global science frontiers, serving the main economic battlefield, striving to fulfill the significant needs of the country, and benefiting people's life and health. Under this framework, countermeasures and recommendation are also put forward from five aspects including funding mode, topic selection mechanism, organizational model, team building, and international influence.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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