
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital governance, pattern, ecological perspective, theory, method

Document Type

Consultation of Academic Divisions and Suggestion of Academicians: Comparative Study on Digital Governance Pattern among China, United States, and European Union


Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in the field of digital governance around the world, it is very urgent and important to make scientific research and judgment on the pattern of digital governance. The article first explains how to understand the concept of digital governance and the pattern of digital governance. After reviewing the existing two perspectives of studies on the pattern of digital governance, this article provides a digital ecological perspective for studying the pattern of digital governance. It is found that the ecological perspective pays more attention to relevance, stratification, holism, aggregation, and dynamics. Thus, it extends the scope of research questions related to grasping the pattern of digital governance, and better captures the general characteristics of the digital era:more highly interconnected and more complexly interactive. This article also introduces the main methods and specific technical routes for studying the pattern of digital governance from the digital ecological perspective.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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