
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


digital technology; carbon neutrality; energy industry; path

Document Type

Energy Transition under Carbon Neutrality


In the era of digital economy, digital technology is the best tool to achieve China's goal of carbon neutrality. The energy industry is the largest source of carbon emissions in China, and how to use digital technology to peak the carbon dioxide emissions and achieve carbon neutrality goal in energy industry has attracted widespread attention. The article first explains the important strategic role of digital technology in carbon neutrality, and then analyzes the related theoretical research and application progress of digital technology and carbon emission reduction in the literature, revealing the problems of current digital technology applied to carbon neutrality in energy industry. Finally, the article puts forward the general guidelines of digital technology to promote China's carbon neutrality process, as well as the main path of implementation of digital technologies, such as big data, digital twins, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, to assist the realization of carbon neutrality goal in China's energy industry.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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