
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Intelligence, Parallel Philosophy, Intelligent Industries, Intelligent Economics, Parallel Economics, Intelligent Education, Parallel Education

Document Type

Philosophy and Science


What are the nature and goal of Intelligent Technology? What are the origin and mission of Intelligent Science? What are the impact and significance of Intelligent Industries to our societies and the future development of Human Being? Starting from the topic of AlphaGo, based on Karl Popper's Three Worlds theory, this article addresses the above questions and discussed the beginning and trend of Artificial Intelligence and Parallel Intelligence. It then proposes Parallel Philosophy as the new philosophy system for Intelligent Science and Intelligent Technology, which extends the scope of traditional philosophy from Being, Becoming to Believing, and the corresponding Knowledge system from Descriptive, Predictive, to Prescriptive Knowledge. Intelligent Education and Smart Economics are used as two most important examples in the study here.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


1 Wang F Y, Zhang J J, Zheng X H, et al. Where does AlphaGo go:From Church-Turing thesis to AlphaGo thesis and beyond. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, 3(2):113-120.

2 Popper K. Three Worlds. The Tanner Lecture on Human Values. Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan, 1978.

3 王飞跃.新IT与新轴心时代:未来的起源与目标.探索与争鸣, 2017,(10):23-27.

4 Jaspers K J. The Origin and Goal of History. New Haven:Yale University Press, 1953:294.

5 王飞跃,张俊.智联网:概念、问题和平台.自动化学报, 2017, 43(12):2061-2070.

6 王飞跃.如何培养人工智能人才:从平行教学到智慧教育.科技导报, 2018, 36(11):9-12.

7 Li L, Wang X, Wang K F, et al. Parallel testing of vehicle intelligence via virtual-real interaction. Science Robotics, 2019, 4(28):eaaw4106.

8 李轩,王飞跃.面向智能驾驶的平行视觉感知:基本概念、框架与应用.中国图象图形学报, 2021, 26(1):67-81.

9 王飞跃.平行系统方法与复杂系统的管理和控制.控制与决策, 2004, 19(5):485-489.

10 王飞跃.指控5.0:平行时代的智能指挥与控制体系.指挥与控制学报, 2015, 1(1):107-120.

11 王飞跃.平行控制与数字孪生:经典控制理论的回顾与重铸.智能科学与技术学报, 2020, 2(3):293-300.

12 Wei Q L, Li H Y, Wang F Y. Parallel Control for ContinuousTime Linear Systems:A case study. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2020, 7(4):919-928.

13 Lu J W, Wei Q L, Wang F Y. Parallel control for optimal tracking via adaptive dynamic programming. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2020, 7(6):1662-1674.

14 王飞跃.智能经济的"真"与"道":新商品、新空间、新边际.新经济导刊, 2019,(2):4-7.

15 王飞跃.人工社会、计算实验、平行系统——关于复杂社会经济系统计算研究的讨论.复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2004, 1(4):25-35.

16 Wang F Y. Parallel economics:A new supply-demand philosophy via parallel organizations and parallel management. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020,7(4):840-848.

17 Whitehead A N. Process and Reality. New York:Free Press, 1979:448.

18 Quine W V O. Word and Object. Cambridge:MIT Press, 2013:277.

19 王飞跃.平行哲学与智能科学:从莱布尼茨的Monad到区块链之DAO.模式识别与人工智能, 2020, 33(12):1055- 1065.

20 Karl P. The Open Society and It's Enemies. London, New York:Routledge, 1945.

21 库恩.可公度性,可比较性,可交流性.王飞跃,译.世界哲学, 2004,(3):3-16.

22 Wang F Y, Wang Y F. Parallel ecology for intelligent and smart cyberphysical-social systems. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020, 7(6):1319-1324. 23 王飞跃,王艳芬,陈薏竹,等.联邦生态:从联邦数据到联邦智能.智能科学与技术学报, 2020, 2(4):305-311.
