
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


high-level talents of science popularization; current situation and problems; policy suggestions

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High-level talents of science popularization (HLTSP) play an incomparable key role in the dissemination and popularization of science and technology in China. Entering the critical stage of building an innovative country, in order to realize the strategic goal of innovation-driven development, we must attach importance to the cultivation of HLTSP, enhance the soft power of science popularization, and solve the unbalanced development status of science popularization and innovation. Based on the analyses of realistic demand and current status of related research in HLTSP, the author maintains that the main problems focus on the following three aspects:development and scale, training mode and mechanisms, and external environment. Finally, this study puts forward relevant policy suggestions to strengthen the training of HLTSP from aspects of organizational system, training mechanism and external environment.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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