
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


Central Asia; oil and gas trade; energy cooperation; risk; countermeasures

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Central Asia is one of the most important overseas oil and gas supplement bases of China. The oil and gas production of Central Asia is about 229 million oil equivalent tons, accounting for the proportion of the world oil and gas production was 3.02%. Gas is mainly concentrated in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, while oil is mainly concentrated in Kazakhstan. Oil and gas potential supply is 120 million oil equivalent tons. China has gradually become Central Asia's most important oil and gas trading partner. However, oil and gas trade cooperation between China and Central Asia is facing serious geopolitics risks, including global competition among Unites States, Russia and other superpowers, unstable internal political environment, fragmental international energy cooperation system and mutable international energy investment policy. To enhance energy cooperation, China should accelerate the pragmatic and efficient multiple energy cooperation mechanism, optimize the structure of companies participated in the energy cooperation, strengthen energy exploration and energy technology and service trade, accelerate the locational energy processing and transformation, and revise the existing bilateral investment treaties, to ensure the safety of energy cooperation between China and Central Asia.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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