
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version)


space science; world power on science and technology; national demands

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In May last year, President Xi Jinping has established a three-step national goal for China, i.e., in about 2050, China should become a world power in science and technology. To realize this goal, breakthroughs in the area of fundamental research are crucial. However, for a long time, as a developing country, China's national efforts have focused on applied objectives only. In the case of space developments, application satellites for weather forecast and telecommunications have been given more attention. Space science had much less chance to have its own satellite. Scientists have been using data from the science satellites of other countries, such as NASA and ESA. With the call from President Xi, we are facing a totally different situation now. To have breakthroughs in the area of fundamental research became an ever been national demand. To achieve this goal, two aspects need more governmental investments. One is the ground based large scientific instruments, such as cyclotrons or large telescopes. The other is the space science satellites. Compared with other application satellites, space science satellite has much more variable requirements for technology. In summary, to have a developed space science program and fruitful achievements on fundamental research are certainly symbolic and important means for building up a world power in science and technology.

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Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences


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